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English Doctors

Health care services in Korea are easily available and reasonably priced compared to some of the countries where our GETs come from. Here are some health care services where you can find English-speaking doctors. Please note that in most cases, the reception staff will not be able to speak English.

This is by no means a complete list and is based off recommendations from other GETs. If you cannot find what you are looking for here, please search the Gwangju Facebook Page for more information on doctors.


Posture & Balance (포스처앤밸런스)
Dr Yun Yeong Jun (윤영준)
Address (English): 88-1 Sangmuminjuro, Ssangchondong, Seogu, Gwangju 61966 (5th floor)
(Korean): 광주 서구 상무민주로 88-1 5층 (쌍촌동 1271-2) 
Number: 070-8845-7753/ 062-521-1114

Counseling & Therapy

Piper Barry Counseling (Online)


Chosun University Dental Hospital (조선대학교치과병원)
There are a number of dentists here proficient in English.
Please note this hospital purportedly charges more than others.
Address (English): 303 Pilmundaero, Seodaedong, Donggu, Gwangju 61452
(Korean): 광주 동구 필문대로 303 (서석동 421)
Number: 062-220-3800 

Mediphil Dental Clinic (메니필치과)
Dr Lee Don Oh (이돈오)
Address (English): 76 Jukbongdaero, Nongseongdong, Seogu, Gwangju 61932
(Korean): 광주 서구 죽봉대로 76 (농성동 460-36)
Number: 062-351-3113

More Dental Clinic (모아치과)
More Dental has a number of dentists who can speak English.
Address (English): 515 Seoljuk-ro, Ilgokdong, Bukgu, Gwangju 61040
(Korean): 광주 북구 설죽로 515 (일곡동 846-1)
Number: 062-571-2141


Beauty Forever (고운세상 피부과)
Dr Kim Gi Jun (김기준)
Address (English): Ansan Building (5th floor), 42 Seoseokro, Gwangsandong, Donggu, Gwangju 61487
(Korean): 광주 동구 서석로 42 안산빌딩 5층 (광산동 78-1)
Number: 062-225-6400

Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist

ENTOP Otorhinolaryngology Hospital (엔탑이비인후과병원)
Address (English): 347 Seoljukro, Maegokdong, Bukgu, Gwangju 61062
(Korean): 광주 북구 설죽로 347 (매곡동 3-4)
Number: 062-717-7500

Dr Lee's ENT Clinic (이철이비인후과병원)

Address (English): 89 Yeomhwaro, Hwajeongdong, Seogu, Gwangju 62026

(Korean): 광주 서구 염화로 89 (화정동 918-7)

Number: 062-385-8575/ 062-385-8576


Chonnam National University Hospital (전남대학교병원)
Address (English): 42 Jaebongro, Hakdong, Donggu, Gwangju 61469
(Korean): 광주 동구 제봉로 42 (학동 8)
Number: 062-220-6016

Chosun University Hospital (조선대학교병원)
Please note that not all doctors here can speak English. By calling to book ahead you can ensure that you will have a translator available to assist.
Address (English): 365 Pilmundaero, Hakdong, Donggu, Gwangju 61453
(Korean): 광주 동구 필문대로 365 (학동 30-1)
Number: 062-220-3770



For more information, please join and search the Ladies of Gwangju and Vicinity Facebook Group.

Bitgeoul Women's Hospital (빛고을여성병원)
Address (English): 395 Haseoro, Yangsandong, Bukgu, Gwangju 61074
(Korean): 광주 복구 하서로 395 (양산동 246-16)
Number: 062-602-9000

Green Women's Clinic (그린여성의원)
Address (English): Hanil Medical Center (3rd floor), 139 Bongseonchungangro, Juwoldong, Namgu, Gwangju 61688
(Korean): 광주 남구 봉선중앙로 139 한일메디컬센터 3층 (주월동 1253-2)
Number: 062-650-7700

Love Me Clinic (러브미여성의원)
Address (English): Eye Tower (4th floor), 704 Seomundaero, Jinwoldong, Namgu, Gwangju 61709
(Korean): 광주 남구 서문대로 704 아이타워 4층 (진월동 294-5)
Number: 062-651-6571

Mizpia Hospital (미즈피아병원)
Address (English): 17 Shicheongro, Chipyeongdong, Seogu, Gwangju 61963
(Korean): 광주 서구 시청로 17 (치평동 1258-3)
Number: 062-380-2000

W Women's Hospital (W여성병원)
Address (English): 331 Imbangdaero, Suwandong, Gwangsangu, Gwangju 62306
(Korean): 광주 광산구 임방대로 331 (수완동 1415)
Number: 062-616-9000

Pain Specialist & General Doctor

GeoMed Clinic (몸&마음 통증의학과의원)
Dr Khang Seunggwan (강승관) - Dr Khang is a pain specialist but also does general medicine.
Address (English): 68 Ochiro, Jungheungdong, Bukgu, Gwangju 61207
(Korean): 광주 복구 우치로 68 (중흥동 361-1)
Number: 062-525-0606


Mirae Hospital (미래항외과)
Dr Park Hyeong Jun (박형준) 
Address (English): Suwan Dong 1424, Gwangsan Gu, Gwangju, 62306 
(Korean): 광주 복구 광산주 수완동 1424
Number: 062-710-0975


Saemirae Hospital (새미래병원)
Dr Jeong Chanyeong (정찬영)
Address (English): 114 Guseongro, Seodong, Namgu, Gwangju 61636
(Korean): 광주 남구 구성로 114 (서동)
Number: 062-670-3333

Traditional Medicine

Shinseon Oriental Clinic (신선한의원)
Address (English): 132 Uijaero, Unlimdong, Donggu, Gwangju 61494
(Korean): 광주 동구 의재로 132
Number: 062-225-8887


Related Files:

Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education
International Education Team - 3rd Floor
93 Hwaun-ro,  Seo-gu, Gwangju, 61987
광주광역시 서구 화운로 93, 3층
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