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Gwangju Institute of Creative Convergence Education

Gwangju Institute of Creative Convergence Education

The Gwangju Institute of Creative Convergence Education (GICCE) is a division of the GMOE. We sometimes have meetings and training there. In Korean, the GICCE is known as 광주광역시 창의융합교육원.  Meetings are generally held on the second floor or the third floor.

Some taxi drivers may still refer to it by its former name, 교육과학연구원.  The address is 광주 동구 의재로109번길 10.

If the GPS is out-of-date and the driver can't find the address, direct the driver to Unlim Middle School 운림중학교, which is just next door. 

Getting to the GICCE

The Gwangju Institute of Creative Convergence Education (GICCE) or 창의융합교육원 is the building pictured above. Please see Kakao Maps or Naver Maps for its location.

By Bus

The nearest bus stop to the GICCE is called "Yeonjinhoe Academy of Art" (연진회미술원). Buses that stop there: 02, 09, 12, 50, 51, 54, 76, 49, and 35. It is a roughly 5 minute walk from the bus stop to the GICCE.

By Taxi

If you take a taxi to the GICCE, you can ask the driver to take you there with the following statement:
운림중 근처 창의융합교육원으로 가주세요.

By Subway

If you come by subway, you will need to get off at Hak-dong/Jeungshimsa Station (학동/증심사입구역) and go out Exit 3/4. It will take roughly 15 minutes to walk to the GICCE from the subway station.

Related Files:

Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education
International Education Team - 3rd Floor
93 Hwaun-ro,  Seo-gu, Gwangju, 61987
광주광역시 서구 화운로 93, 3층
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