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Contract Non-Renewal

Contract Non-Renewal

3 to 4 months before your contract ends, the GET Program Manager will send out a preliminary survey to get a feel for how many teachers are leaving. A few weeks after that, your school will hand you an official document where you will indicate whether you wish to renew your contract or not. Please confirm the the deadline for signing this document. This decision cannot be reversed.

Once you sign the document stating that you will not be renewing your contract with the GMOE, that decision is final. However, that does not bar you from working for the GMOE in the future. We are always happy to see teachers return to the program after having some time off.

Checklist for Leaving

There are a number of things you need to consider when you complete your contract with the GMOE Here is a checklist to help you remember all you need to do:

(1) Set up online banking or a remittance account

If you don't have at least one of these set up, you will need to in order to access your final wages, bonuses, and any refunds that may come your way during tax season. Bonuses are paid up to a month after the end of your contract and have to be paid into a Korean bank account. Tax and health care premium refunds can come as late as 12 months after your contract ends. You need to ensure that this money will reach you when you are out of Korea. Please see Banking for more information.

(2) Exit Interview (at GMOE or online)

About a month before the end of your contract, the GET Program Manager will contact you about setting up an appointment. You will need to bring your relevant bankbooks and your Residence Card.

At this appointment, we will discuss:

(a) Final pay - Please note that your final pay amount might be different from usual as health insurance and tax adjustments will be made.

(b) Banking information - We'll need a scan of your bankbook or screenshot of your bank app info page so we know where to send your severance, bonuses, and possible tax or NHIS refunds. 

(c) Employment History Verification Letter (Upon Request) - Link

(d) Reference Letter (Upon Request) -  Link 

(3) Check your ARC

E2 visas typically last for 13 months, which should ensure you have enough time to leave Korea after your contract ends. However, please check the expiry date on your ARC and apply for an extension if necessary. Please note that you will need to hand in your ARC at the airport when you depart from Korea.


(4) Claim your pension

If you are an Australian, Canadian or American citizen, you can claim your pension as a lump sum when you leave Korea. Please see Pension for more details.

(5) Say goodbye to your schools

It is important to leave enough time to say goodbye to your co-workers and students to ensure that you leave on good terms.

(6) Leaving your apartment

If you are staying in employer-provided housing, you will need to leave your apartment by the last day of your contract date. Please ensure that your apartment is clean and all the employer-provided items are left in good condition. Do not automatically assume you can "donate" items to the next tenant as it's not guaranteed our employer will extend the lease or place another GET there. You will need to make an appointment with the gas company to ensure that the gas is disconnected and you receive your gas deposit back if you paid one. If you set up internet, you should remember to disconnect it before you leave. 

Please ensure all your final bills are paid before you leave your apartment. If you leave before your bill typically arrives, you may need to give an estimated amount of money to your landlord.


(7) Cancel your cellphone

Depending on what kind of cellphone option you got, remember to cancel your service or pass your contract on to someone else. 

(8) Criminal Background Check

If you are going to another job that requires a criminal background check, for instance starting a new teaching job, then it is recommended that you go to your local police station to get one. You'll likely need to get it translated and notarized too.

(9) International Driver's Permit

If you have a Korean driver's license and expect to need a car as soon as you land in another country, you can apply for one at the local police station with a half-business-card-sized photo (반명함판, 3cm x 4cm) of yourself. A passport-sized photo should also work.

Contract Completion Bonus

Upon successful completion of each one year contract with the GICCE, you will receive a Contract Completion Bonus (formerly "Exit Allowance") of 1,300,000 KRW that will be deposited into your desired account. This will be deposited roughly one month after the completion of your contract.

Please refer to Article 10 of your contract for more information.

Leaving Korea Before Your Contract Ends

Provided your schools are not in session and you will have completed your camp duties, it is possible to leave Korea before the end of your contract by using your allotted paid vacation days. As with any time you use paid vacation days, you must apply for and receive permission from your school in advance.

Related Files:

Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education
International Education Team - 3rd Floor
93 Hwaun-ro,  Seo-gu, Gwangju, 61987
광주광역시 서구 화운로 93, 3층
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