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Workshops and Training

Workshops and Training

Growth requires deliberate practice. This means setting aside blocks of time devoted to personal and professional development. Your coordinator will contact all GETs in advance about when these sessions will occur and if there are new criteria for mandatory participation. These criteria can vary from year to year, according to the needs of the NIIED, GMOE, and related governing bodies. Workshops can be either online or in person. For online training, do your best to secure a quiet classroom or conference room in advance. If you are unable to attend a live mandatory training session, your coordinator will arrange an alternate date or program.

Mentoring Workshop

At the beginning of your contract, you will meet your GET mentor. We'll generally discuss key points about work and life in Gwangju. It is a great opportunity for you to learn about your new environment in a slightly less formal setting. Some years, this workshop may be scheduled on the same day as Skills Training.

Bi-Annual Skills Training

These sessions are mandatory for those with fewer than two years experience with the GICCE. We hold formal skills training sessions for the first and second halves of every year, near the beginning of each semester. The first set of lectures usually takes place in March or April; the second set occurs in September. We invite speakers to cover a range of topics including educational software, pedagogy, EFL teaching, and second language acquisition. Some years, these trainings are combined with the Mentoring Workshops.

Cultural Workshop

We occasionally organize interactive, cultural experiences for our GETs. Past events include mother-of-pearl crafts, drumming, traditional games, tours, and field trips.

Winter In-Service Training

Every year over the winter vacation period, we hold in-service training for all GETs, except those not renewing their contracts the following February. The current format comprises:
•    one 60-minute lecture or seminar with a guest speaker
•    one round of lightning talks, in which GETs take turns presenting on an educational topic of their choosing

For lightning talk topics, the only real requirement is that we speak about our lived experiences as teachers. Usually, teachers opt to demonstrate activities, share resources, discuss technical skills, share anecdotes, present action research findings, etc. The success of the in-service training depends on having teachers with mixed levels of experience, which is a big reason why we make it mandatory for all.

Safety, Violence, etc.

In addition to pedagogical training, GETS should be familiar with protocols for situations involving natural disasters, safety, harassment, violence, bullying, sexual crimes, discrimination, child abuse, and other government mandated topics. Here are useful reference guides:

School Life Safety Manual (2022) 

Sexual Harassment Prevention Leaflet (2022)

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Materials (2022)

Related Files:

Core Teaching Skills

Sexual Harassment Prevention Materials

Sexual Harassment Prevention Leaflet

School Life Safety Manual

Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education
International Education Team - 3rd Floor
93 Hwaun-ro,  Seo-gu, Gwangju, 61987
광주광역시 서구 화운로 93, 3층
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