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GETs are evaluated once a semester by their co-teachers, vice-principals, and principals at each school. During this process, parents, students, and other faculty members may be surveyed for their input. Evaluations are a deciding factor when it comes to contract renewals and terminations.

It's common practice for evaluators to give favorable (near perfect) scores; many teachers will overlook small issues as long as your overal performance is above average, you demonstrate a substantial capacity for professional growth, and you are a good cultural fit for your work environment. If you are not contacted by the GET Program Manager about your evaluation, you can assume you are doing a stellar job.

If a teacher receives a problematic evaluation from at least one school, they will be contacted by the GET Program Manager and will be asked to take corrective action. If a teacher fails all evaluations for a semester, the GET Program Manager will deliver a formal written notice. Two such notices are grounds for immediate termination. Please see Article 18 of the contract for more information.

Evaluation Criteria (100 points total)

  • Work Conduct (30)
    · 무단 결석, 조퇴, 지각 등이 없는 성실한 복무태도
    Honest conduct without unexcused absences, lateness, early leave, etc.
    · 복무와 관련된 규정 및 지시사항 준수
    Compliance with work regulations, policies, and procedures

  • Class Instruction (30)
    · 수업 열의 및 준비도(교재 연구, 학습지 제작 등)
    Class enthusiasm and readiness (textbook research, study materials, etc.)
    · 학생 수준과 흥미를 고려한 창의적인 수업 실행 
    Class execution is creative and respects student interests and levels
    · 의사소통능력 향상에 도움이 되는 수업자료 제시
    Produces class materials that help improve communication skills
    · 학생의 수업 만족도
    Student satisfaction with classes

  • Interpersonal Attitude (20)
    · 학생과의 친화력
    Rapport with students
    · 학생 및 학급에 대한 이해 및 포용력
    Magnanimous and understanding of students and classes
    · 건전한 언행 및 충실한 자기 관리
    Sound words and actions; faithful self-regulation

  • Office Relations (20)
    · 협력교사 및 동료교사와의 관계
    Rapport with co-teachers and colleagues
    · 학교 행사 등에 협조적인 자세
    Cooperative attitude toward school functions, events, drills, etc.
    · 관리자 만족도
    Supervisor's satisfaction

Additional comments can be included in the evaluation to explain scores or add any additional information. The results of these performance evaluations are completely confidential and cannot be fully disclosed. Korean employees are also subject to a similar evaluation process. 


Although many of your co-workers will not have firsthand experience with your in-class performance, their opinions can still affect how you score on Work Conduct, Interpersonal Attitude, and Office Relations, which accounts for up to 70% of your score! For this reason, it is imperative that you continuously respect social norms and do your best to be cordial with everyone. 

In other words, your "job" does not stop at delivering English language content. This may seem unusual but keep in mind that we already hold our students to the same standards so it's only natural that we model the behaviors we want them to emulate. As James Clear might say in this stuation, "Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become."

You don't have to go overboard. Make a habit of simple gestures like bowing, greeting people every time you enter or exit a room, and learning how to refer to people by their job titles.

Related Files:

Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education
International Education Team - 3rd Floor
93 Hwaun-ro,  Seo-gu, Gwangju, 61987
광주광역시 서구 화운로 93, 3층
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