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The National Education Information System, NEIS (나이스), is an administrative system for all employees working in Korean education. Our main use for it is to request leave -- vacations, business trips, sick leave, unpaid time off, personal errands, etc. Before you can request time off, you will need to be registered. Your main school's main co-teacher, handler, or a school administrator is responsible for registering you in NEIS at all of your designated workplaces.

Each city has its own NEIS portal - ours is at To access this system, you will need:

  • a digital security certificate - given by your school

  • user ID and password - given by your school

  • Microsoft Edge, patched (required as of 2022.06.15)

  • a computer connected to the main employee network

It is strongly recommend that GETs learn how to manage their own NEIS requests. For help navigating the system, please refer to the files at the bottom of this page. 

Be extra vigilant about dates and hours, especially if you plan to travel to different time zones. All requests are manually approved by your principal, vice-principal, etc., so if you make a mistake, that is an additional burden on multiple very busy and important people. Note that you should wait for approval before you are permitted to leave the school.

Korean Reason
Paid Vacation - Domestic
연가 - 연가
  • Vacation in Korea: 계약에 의한 유급휴가

  • School Anniversary: 개교기념일

  • CSAT (Suneung) Day: 수능일

15 days advance notice required for long vacations.
Paid Vacation - Abroad
연가 - 연가

공무외 국외여행(destination)

15 days advance notice required for long vacations.
Early Leave - Personal Reasons
연가 - 조퇴

Personal Reasons (bank, travel, etc.): 개인 업무

Use this for personal errands like visiting the bank or tax office. 8 hours of early leave equals 1 paid vacation day.
Arriving Late - Personal Reasons
연가 - 지각


8 hours of lateness equals 1 paid vacation day.
Leaving and Returning - Personal Reasons
연가 - 외출


8 hours of this leave equals 1 paid vacation day.
Business Trip - With Travel Expenses
  • New Intake Training: 신규 원어민 영어보조교사 역량강화 직무연수

  • Vacation Programs Training: 방학 캠프 직무연수

  • Cultural Experience Workshop: 원어민 영어보조교사 워크숍

  • Winter In-service training: In-service 연수

Use this for attending meetings and workshops. Schools pay travel expense based on distance travelled & time taken.
Business Trip - Without Travel Expenses
  • Renewal Meeting: 재계약 체결식

  • Visiting Immigration: 비자 연장

An allowance should not be received and you should therefore select the box on NEIS titled 여비지급하지않음.
Official Work-related Leave
공가 - 공가

Mandatory Biennial Health Check: 국민건강보험공단 건강검진

Employment Renewal Health Check: 재계약을 위한 채용신체검사

These are things such as getting mandatory health checks. These do not count towards paid vacation.
Full Day of Sick Leave
병가 - 병가
  • Cold: 감기몸살

  • Headache: 두통

  • Coughing: 기침

  • Fever: 열

A doctor's certificate (의사진단서) is required after 3 days (24 work hours) of sick leave are taken
Early Sick Leave
병가 - 병조퇴


Leaving work early because of illness or a visit to a doctor. If this leave totals 8 hours over the contract period, it is equal to 1 paid sick day.
Late Arrival Due to Illness
병가 - 병지각


Arriving to work late because of illness or a visit to a doctor. If this leave totals 8 hours over the contract period, it is equal to 1 paid sick day.
Leaving and Returning
병가 - 병외출


Refer to above.
Employee's Marriage
특별휴가 - 경조사휴가


5 working days. Relevant documents of proof to be submitted to school.
Employee's Child's Marriage
특별휴가 - 경조사휴가


1 working day. Relevant documents of proof to be submitted to school.
Death of parents, spouse or spouse's parents
특별휴가 - 경조사휴가


5 working days. Relevant documents of proof to be submitted to school.
Death of grandparents, spouse's grandparents, child or child's spouse
특별휴가 - 경조사휴가


3 working days. Relevant documents of proof to be submitted to school.
Death of sibling or spouse's sibling
특별휴가 - 경조사휴가


1 working day. Relevant documents of proof to be submitted to school.
Maternity Leave
특별휴가 - 출산휴가


90 days. Minimum of 45 days taken in the postnatal period.
Paternity Leave
특별휴가 - 출산휴가


10 days. Should be taken within 90 days of the birth and can be split into no more than two separate time periods.
Pregnancy Work Reduction
특별휴가 - 모성보호시간


2 hours per day for women less than 12 weeks or more than 36 weeks pregnant. Doctor's note must be provided 3 days before commencement.
Nursing Time
특별휴가 - 육아시간


30 minutes twice per day for a female employee with a child less than one year.
Unpaid Leave
기타 - 기타


7 calendar days (i.e. weekends inclusive). To be taken under special circumstances such as the wedding of a sibling. Documents of proof to be submitted to the school.
Menstrual Leave
기타 - 기타


1 day per month. No doctor's note required.
Unauthorised Absence
결근 - 무단결근


An absence from work without prior notification or approval. This is unpaid.

Related Files:

NEIS In-depth Guide

NEIS Quick Start Guide

Gwangju Metropolitan Office of Education
International Education Team - 3rd Floor
93 Hwaun-ro,  Seo-gu, Gwangju, 61987
광주광역시 서구 화운로 93, 3층
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